Three data inputs are needed to create the risk mitigation strategy in this toolbox:

  1. Flood hazard mapping (where and how likely and intense floods might occur)
  2. Vulnerability mapping (which elements of the built environment are valuable and exposed
    to flood hazard)
  3. Risk mitigation measures (which actions can be taken to mitigate the flood risk)

For these three types of inputs, we make use of globally accessible data as well as local data
and manual input from field staff. Local knowledge and experience is essential for creating
a valuable and usable risk mitigation strategy. This document outlines the local data needed
and proposes data collection strategies. We understand that in different contexts, different
kind of data is available and we suggest seeing this document as a guideline that needs to be
adapted to the local situation and data availability.

The Local Data Collection Guide is structured around the three themes (hazards, vulnerabilities and mitigation measures) that are essential for the creation of a risk mitigation strategy. In the annex, we discuss possible data collection strategies and methods.



Local Data Collection Guide
(PDF 1.1 MB)