N.22 Risk Mapping and Participatory Planning
In the context of flood risk management, participation promotes the interaction among the stakeholders that are responsible for and affected by the implementation of the mitigation measures. Stakeholder engagement allows the (public, private, and local) stakeholders to come together for a dialogue on the interventions before and after their implementation.
Mapping the risk is one of the first steps to know what strategies would be best adapted to respond to a flood event. Hazard maps can be prepared using global and local data to draw a model of the probable extent of potential floods. Risk assessments will highlight the assets in need of protection and help prioritize mitigation actions. The process can involve participatory mapping. After identifying the essential stakeholders, the project initiator should actively listen and document the diverse perspectives. Then, the stakeholders’ ideas and wishes should become part of the overarching goal and a common agenda for flood risk mitigation (and its monitoring) in the refugee camp.
The present project on risk mitigation strategies also includes guidelines for participatory mapping including semi-guided interview templates and a proposal for organization of mapping workshops.
Benefits & Risks
Participation permits the acknowledgment of different knowledge systems (scientific, local, indigenous) within a broader socio-political and cultural context. Local knowledge can help tackle natural hazard risks in humanitarian settlements based on two categories. First, it can support the observation and prediction of changes in the natural environment. Second, laws valuing the natural environment such as non-building zones on riverbanks or the prohibition of logging can enhance the overall respectful approach to natural ecosystems while mitigating natural hazards.
Environmental Impact
Good Practice
Raising Community Awareness in Myanmar
The awareness of cyclone impacts has been raised within the community of the Irrawadi Delta in Myanmar. While building storm shelters for village communities in the delta, the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) integrated a strong participatory approach and disaster risk reduction (DRR) component into the process. The goal was to strengthen the population’s resilience, capacity for self-reliance, and self-protection. To ensure a comprehensive and participatory approach, SDC prepared participatory workshops on community hazard mapping, mock drill training, role-playing exercises (simulations), tree-planting awareness sessions (including mangroves), and education on shelter/WASH maintenance.
Hiwasaki, Lisa (2017): Local Knowledge for Disaster Risk Re Duction Including Climate Change Adaptation - With assistance of Ilan Kelman, Jessica Mercer, J. C. Gaillard , The Routledge Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction Including Climate Change Adaptation
Hofer, Katrin; Kaufmann, David (2022): Actors, arenas and aims: A conceptual framework for public participation , Planning Theory
IPCC (2022): Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability - Summary for Policymakers , Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Pötz, Hiltrud (2016): 5 steps to stakeholder engagement and co-creation
Score Card
Environmental Impact
Risk Protection
Scale of Intervention
Shelter-Plot-Block Settlement Supra-settlement
Type of Intervention
Engineered Nature-based Hybrid Non-structural
Targeted Natural Hazard
Pluvial Flood Coastal/Riverine Flood
Strategy Type
Relocate Reduce Hazard Magnitude Reduce Asset Vulnerability Reduce Casualties
Implementation Time
Short (1 day ‐ 1 month) Medium (1 month ‐ 1 year) Long (> 1 year)
Effect Duration
Short‐term ( <1 year ) Medium‐term (1 year to 10 years) Long‐term (>10 years)
Targeted Vulnerable Assets
Buildings Transport Technical Infrastructure Land Cover
Investment Costs
Low Medium High
Maintenance Costs (yearly)
Low (<10% investment costs) Medium (10-50%) High (>50%)