

W.03 Geotextile Tubes and Containers



Geotextile tubes and containers can function as a particular form of dike or support other structures like seawalls, dunes, and breakwaters. The flexible containers are filled with solids from the local site. The local filling materials usually comprise a sand and water slurry that is then filled into the container by a pump, dredger, or funnel. Once the geotextiles are filled with the slurry, the water dissipates through the flexible and synthetic fabrics. The sand then prevails as the tube’s main composition.

Benefits & Risks

Geotextile bags and tubes protect dunes, coasts, and riverbanks from erosion and flooding. In addition, they act as water filters or dewatering systems. The fabrics are highly permeable, tensile, durable, and can resist “abrasion, ultraviolet light, oxidation, acid, alkali, bio-decomposition and immersion corrosion in seawater” (ACE Geosynthetics 2020). The use of local sources (including less transportation and costs) makes the concept of geotextile containers an eco-friendly, easy-to-apply and cost-effective alternative to, e.g., flood protection with concrete.

Environmental Impact

The measure has an insignificant environmental impact due to local fill materials and no/limited transportation for the import of materials. CO2 Emissions (kg/T): 2.4 

Good Practice

Geotextile Containers in Ada Foah, Ghana

The application of geotextile tubes and containers took place in the town Ada Foah on the southeast coast of Ghana. The shoreline of Ada Foah is prone to serious erosion, reaching up to 50 meters of beach loss and resulting in the damage of settlements. To install the geotextiles, the sand has been dredged from the adjacent Volta River, which also supports the mitigation of floods because it decreases the river roughness and lessens the risk of flooding. Applying the highly permeable geotextile containers has helped to mitigate erosion and extreme weather events, including floods. Moreover, the geotextiles foster the restoration of sand dunes (ACE Geosynthetics 2020).


ACE Geosynthetics    (2020):  ACETube - Hydraulic structures - Geotextile Bags, Tubes and Containers

ACE Geosynthetics    (2020):  ACETube Geotextile Tube Installation for Coastal Protection (Video)

ACE Geosynthetics    (2020):  Shoreline Protection, Ada Foah, Ghana

Score Card

Environmental Impact


Risk Protection







Scale of Intervention

Shelter-Plot-Block Settlement Supra-settlement

Type of Intervention

Engineered Nature-based Hybrid Non-structural

Targeted Natural Hazard

Pluvial Flood Coastal/Riverine Flood

Strategy Type

Relocate Reduce Hazard Magnitude Reduce Asset Vulnerability Reduce Casualties

Implementation Time

Short (1 day ‐ 1 month) Medium (1 month ‐ 1 year) Long (> 1 year)

Effect Duration

Short‐term ( <1 year ) Medium‐term (1 year to 10 years) Long‐term (>10 years)

  A geotextile tube lasts for around 5 - 15 years. Longer durability is possible.

Targeted Vulnerable Assets

Buildings Transport Technical Infrastructure Land Cover

Investment Costs

Low Medium High

  The costs are low compared to other fixed flood protection systems such as dams or revetments. Example (U.S. Context):$600 to $750 per meter of geotextile tube.

Maintenance Costs (yearly)

Low (<10% investment costs) Medium (10-50%) High (>50%)


Sand, Water, Geotextiles; For implementation: Pump, dredger, funnel

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